Hello Beautiful!
My name is Stephanie, and I look forward to working with you! I know we don’t know each other yet, but I bet we have a lot in common. Like me, you are a mommy (or a mommy to be); like me, you've realized how fast time goes when you have a little one in your life; and like me, you love your babies like crazy and wish everything would slow down so you could enjoy this part of your life just a little longer!
What else? Well, you probably are filled with constant emotion. You’re filled with both real joy and real sadness as you watch your babies grow. They are learning to walk, they are learning to talk, they are starting to show their own little personality, and you want to savor each beautiful moment. This is where I can help you. Beautiful photography can ensure that as all of life’s firsts' come and go, you can always find your way back.

Some things that make me me
I am a comfy jeans and t-shirt kinda girl. I love people and believe a friendly smile can go a long way. Sleep is my favorite hobby and I am not a morning person. I am a Christian, a pastor’s wife and my relationship with Jesus and my church family are very important to me. I am a sugar addict and could probably live off of desserts. Although, I’ve discovered that the older I get, the more important it is to push myself to make healthier decisions (being an adult is hard). Summer is my favorite season because I love being in the water and having my babies home all day. I love to have dance parties with my girls and dance when no one is watching. I am a happy, but deeply emotional person. My love language is quality time, and quality time with my family is when I am happiest. I love children and have always wanted a career involving young kids. I would love to have the opportunity to learn a little about you.